Barbie Dream House (1962 Reproduction) from Mattel

Mattel has re-issued the Barbie doll’s first-ever Dream House just as it was in 1962, in all its mid-century modern splendor.

Barbie Queen of the Prom from Mattel (1960)

Board games can be categorized into two camps: those that stand the test of time, and those that serve as windows into a moment of time in popular culture. Released in 1960 by Mattel, Barbie Queen of the Prom relies on a series of clichés and politically incorrect attitudes towards girls that today seem cringe-worthy, but which permeated and defined culture 50 years ago.

Western Barbie from Mattel (1982)

“Givin’ a wink, Barbie style.”

Barbie Expo: A Magical Exhibition of Haute Couture, Montreal, Canada

Montreal, Canada is the new home of Barbie Expo, a toy exhibition where haute couture, world-renowned designers, and Mattel’s iconic Barbie doll co-mingle.

The Friday Five

Elizabeth Kondruss, Barbie Collector

Elizabeth Kondruss talks about her Barbie collection – possibly the world’s largest – and how she approaches managing all the things that go along with it.

Barbie from Mattel (1959)

The first commercial for Barbie aired on the Mickey Mouse Club in 1959. The doll made its debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York on March 9, 1959.

Barbie Dream House from Mattel (1960)

A 1960 television commercial for the Barbie Dream House from Mattel. It’s retro-chic!

Then & Now: Barbie Dream House

When you’ve had upwards of 140 job changes over 50+ years in the workforce, you surely need a posh place to live. Since her debut in 1959, the Barbie Dream House has always reflected design trends of the day – and now rivals some of the “McMansions” of today. Will there be a downsizing in her future?!?