2021 has finally arrived – the perfect time for a top-10 list of the most popular articles on Toy Tales in 2020. The list was curated based on Google Analytics and engagement through various social media channels. If you missed them the first time, this is your chance to see what you missed. If you read them before, it’s worth taking another look! Enjoy:
Little Miss No-Name from Hasbro (1965)
With large sad brown eyes, a drooping mouth, and mop of unkempt blond hair, Hasbro’s Little Miss No-Name was designed as the antithesis of the impossibly glamorous Barbie.
Suzy Homemaker Super Safety Oven from Topper Toys (1966)
Released in 1966 by Topper Toys, the Suzy Homemaker Super Safety Oven was the company’s answer to Kenner’s Easy-Bake Oven.
Midgetoy (1945-1980)
In 1943, brothers Alvin and Earl Herdklotz established the A & E Tool and Gage Co. in Rockford, Illinois as a defense-based precision tool-and-die business. After World War II, focus shifted primarily to toy making. Operating under the name Midgetoy, the company began to produce basic, smaller-scale die-cast vehicles and airplanes at low price points.
Chutes and Ladders from Milton Bradley (1943)
Chutes and Ladders has been a hit with the kindergarten set since it was introduced in the United States in 1943, by Milton Bradley.
Caravelle Radio Transmitter and Receiver from Remco (1962)
The Caravelle is an easy-to-assemble transistorized AM radio receiver and transmitter from Remco that allows you to dazzle anyone within a 500-foot radius with your DJ skills and gift for the gab.
Uncle Sam’s 3-Coin Register Bank
The Uncle Sam’s 3-Coin Register Bank is a toy bank that brought forced savings to an entirely different level.
Collector Spotlight: Bruce Pascal – Hot Wheels
Bruce Pascal has curated the rarest Hot Wheels collection in the world and wrote the book on Hot Wheels prototypes. Here, he dishes on details about his massive collection and shares his dying wish related to the hobby.
Time Bomb – Milton Bradley (1964)
Designed by Marvin Glass & Associates and released in 1964 by Milton Bradley, Time Bomb draws inspiration from the children’s game of “Hot Potato” albeit sans musical accompaniment.
Milky, the Marvelous Milking Cow from Kenner (1977)
Milky, the Marvelous Milking Cow stands as one of quirkiest entries in the Kenner Products toy line.
Johnny Seven from Topper Toys (1964)
The 1964 Johnny Seven toy line of playsets and facsimiles of military equipment from Topper Toys was marketed exclusively to boys.

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