There’s never been a plane like it before!
Released in 1965 by Lakeside, the Zip Wing Rocket Glider was an outdoor toy that combined aerodynamic elements of rockets, planes, and gliders.
The Rocket Glider was about 13-inches long and made primarily of plastic. A rubber-like cone was affixed at the front end of the fuselage, and spring wire was threaded through the wings, which allowed it to retract and extend automatically when the Zip Wing was airborne.
The toy was launched by holding the wings together with one hand, hooking the front of the glider to the rubber band on the launcher, pulling it back to arm’s length and letting it fly sling-shot style. Upon release, the wings snapped into place, allowing the toy to be projected into the air and glide smoothly back down to the ground.
Zip Wing’s plastic shell could be re-shaped to accommodate different flight patterns by bending the tails and wings under hot water and holding them in place until they cooled. For example, bending the tail flaps allowed the toy to fly faster, glide longer, or do loops.

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