Reflex from Lakeside (1966)

Company: Schaper | Release date: 1966 | Ages: 8+ | # of players: 2 | Where to purchase: eBay

“Think quick, act fast, text your reflexes” – that’s the modus operandi of the Reflex game from Lakeside.

The game consists of a multi-coloured, hard-plastic game board, wireframe, set of dice, and two yellow “scorers”. After assembling the board, players place three dice on the game’s “kicker ledge” with any combination facing up.

Play begins with one player predicting a combination of numbers or colours that the dice will land on. For example: “a total value of 12 or over”; “green and red”; or, “a value less than 10, red and black only”.  After announcing the combination, the player presses the yellow “kicker lever”, causing the three dice to fall into the enclosed area below.

Players must quickly assess the result. If the dice combination matches the player’s guess, the first player to press their red lever and propel the yellow scorer to the center of the wire frame scores a point. If the combination doesn’t match the player’s prediction, things are even more exciting. In that case, either player may fake a move towards hitting their lever in an attempt to get the opponent to hit theirs first. If the trick play works, the opposing player receives a point.

The first person to score five points is declared the winner.

The Reflex game enjoyed a short three-year life span.

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