Museum of Talking Boards

The Museum of Talking Boards is an online destination for people intrigued by the history, art, and mythology of spirit boards.

Planchette writing can be traced back to 1100 AD when spirit seekers in China used what would later become the ouija board to make contact with the spirit world. It wasn’t until American inventor Elijah Bond commercialized the pastime as a game in the 1890s that talking boards gained traction with the general public. Since that time, talking boards have become popular with adventure-seeking teenagers and the subjects of countless movies, television shows, books, and campfire stories. The Museum of Talking Boards uses that fascination to capture the attention of readers curious to know more about the practice. The website takes an educational approach to the subject matter. Visitors to the website find instructions on how to use talking boards, written and visual histories of the pastime, and theories about the powers behind the boards.

You might be inspired to dabble with a talking board after reading the content on Museum of Talking Boards. Beware: there are many people who insist talking boards are conduits to nefarious spirits that prove hard to abolish after the game is over. Toy Tales accepts no responsibility for sleepless nights, strange occurrences, or demonic possession.