Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. evolved from distribution to manufacturing and battled a video game giant along the way.

Founded in 1950 by Samuel Ganz and his two sons, Jack and Sam, in Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada, a community north of Toronto.
The Ganz family moved to North America from Romania after World War II. Samuel relocated to New York City while Jack and Sam made Woodbridge their home.

Early Days
Samuel brought a doll from New York with him on a visit to see his sons. The doll had caught his attention, and the trio took a chance at starting their own plush-toy business, Ganz Bros. Toys.
The company began producing toys for the Canadian retail market and for prizes at carnivals.

Broadening Horizons
In 1968, Sam became head of the Canadian Toy Association, a not-for-profit trade association.
In 1990, the company changed its name to Ganz to reflect its evolving focus. Along with toys, Ganz began producing giftware and household items for an international market.

Striking Gold
In 2005, Ganz introduced Webkinz, a line of toys that would change how children play and how the toy industry evolved.
Webkinz were one of the first plush toys to combine analog and digital play. Each Webkinz came with a code that allowed the owner access to an online portal called Webkinz World. Here, children could create an online world for themselves and their pet Webkinz.
The new toy line received many awards, including recognition by the Canadian Toy Testing Council as one of the top 10 toys of 2006.

The Ganz family founded Webkinz Foundation, an organization dedicated to furthering causes related to children.
Ganz continues to operate as a privately owned toy and giftware company, led by Howard Ganz, son of co-founder, Sam.
Ganz has offices in Toronto, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, and Shanghai.