Where’s the Fun From? – Lionel Trains

In this installment from his YouTube series, Where’s the Fun From?, Guest Contributor Tim Walsh examines how Joshua Lionel Cowen adopted advancements in power generation to develop “electric novelties” through his company, Lionel Manufacturing Company.

Dungeon & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

Penguin Random House publishes a collection of Dungeon & Dragon books for young readers.

Vintage Toy Restoration – Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Elkhorn Figure

Watch Dave of the Toy Polloi YouTube channel restore a vintage Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Elkhorn figure from LJN.

Warm-Bake Oven from Kenner (1973)

Dave of the Lucky Penny Shop YouTube channel flexes his culinary skills by baking cake in the Warm-Bake Oven, a toy released by Kenner in 1973.

MobyGames: Video Game Database

MobyGames.com is a community-driven website dedicated to cataloguing and providing information about video games.

Bruce’s Beliefs

Bruce D. Lund shares the life and career lessons he’s learned during his notable career in the toy and game industry in his book titled Bruce’s Beliefs.

Eh, what’s up, doc? A Collection of Bugs Bunny Vinyl Records

Brian Washington — vinyl collector and commercial artist — shares details of the Bugs Bunny records in his collection.

Vintage Toy Restoration – The Six Million Dollar Man Figure

Watch Dave of the Toy Polloi YouTube channel make replacement bionic arm modules for a Six Million Dollar Man figure from Kenner (1975).

Shaker Maker Trolls from Toymax (1992)

Dave of the Lucky Penny Shop YouTube channel showcases a Shaker Maker Trolls set produced by Toymax in 1992.

RadioShack Catalogues

RadioShackCatalogs.com features the retail chain’s technology catalogues published from 1939 through 2011.

WHAM-O Super Book

Tim Walsh documents 70 years of WHAM-O toys and games with the 2018 retrospective, WHAM-O Super Book.

Adventures in Collecting

The Adventures in Collecting podcast shares insights and conversations about toys and collectibles with ties to enduring franchises.