Toy Tales readers have spoken! Based on website activity and engagement on social media, here’s our top 5 most viewed videos on the Toy Tales YouTube channel.
Give-A-Show Projector from Kenner Products (1968)
“How do you have some fun in the dark? Give-a-Show…Give-a-Show
Lite-Brite from Hasbro (2000)
“Alien!!” A classic commercial for Lite-Brite.
Magic Window from Wham-O (1970s)
“Joe enjoys his Magic Window while he’s hanging upside down.”
Time Bomb from Milton Bradley (1964)
Designed by Marvin Glass & Associates and released in 1964 by Milton Bradley, Time Bomb draws inspiration from the children’s game of “Hot Potato”, albeit without musical accompaniment.
Western Barbie from Mattel (1982)
“Givin’ a wink, Barbie style.”