Strip Panel Naked

Through his YouTube channel, Strip Panel Naked, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou walks would-be comic-book writers and illustrators through the process of developing compelling stories.

Strip Panel Naked came to life on YouTube in June 2016. In a short time, the channel earned over 10,000 followers who tune in to hear Hassan orate about dialogue, pace, panel structure, use of colour, perspective, and other essential aspects of comics. In each episode, Hassan uses popular comics to demonstrate each lesson. Viewers learn how to build towards scenes of horror with examples from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, use dialogue to advance action through Saga, and develop memorable characters by looking at Plutona.

While the site is devoted to nurturing talent, even casual readers of comics will be enlightened by Strip Panel Naked. Learning about the myriad of elements that go into visual storytelling serves to deepen appreciation for the medium.