Pitch To Us
Toy Tales will consider pitches from toy companies, PR agencies, museums, and collectors. We publish fresh content daily. View our weekly schedule.
Please ensure your story is suitable for our platform: we cover nostalgic toys and games and re-imagined classic brands, including:
- Vintage toys and games
- Popular culture related to nostalgic toys and games
- Books, movies, podcasts, and other content properties devoted to these topics
Toy Tales will retain the rights to text and images of all posts published on toytales.ca and in our Play Patterns weekly email.
How to Pitch
Send us your press release or a brief pitch – a few sentences will do. Let us know who you are, the brand or collection you represent, and the story you think we should tell.
Email your pitch to: editorial@toytales.ca.
If we’re interested, we will be in touch with next steps. Due to demand, not every enquiry will receive a response.
Our Reach and Readership
Contact us for our 2023 Media Fact Sheet.