As their name implies, Nanoblocks fill a micro-sized building brick gap in the LEGO universe. Created by Japanese company Kawada, Nanoblocks are LEGO-like in their appearance, right down to being manufactured out of ABS plastic. However, the blocks are much smaller in scale – the smallest 1×1 Nanoblock is only 4x4mm.
Since their introduction in 2008, Kawada has produced a variety of sets that include some original designs as well as licensed characters (like Pokémon and Hello Kitty). A stroll through the Nanoblock website reveals a number of collections, including Sights to See, featuring a number of world landmarks; and, Advanced Hobby, which features an eclectic mix of dinosaurs, space-themed shapes, and more intricate buildings. Fans of holidays, musical instruments, and animals will also find interesting options in the Nanoblock Mini Collection.
Nanoblocks won’t take up much space on your shelves, and they won’t put a big dent in your wallet. Sets are sold worldwide by various resellers and most fall in the $10-$20 USD range, with a few sets creeping up to $150 USD.