The Micro Toy Box series from Super Impulse features tiny plastic reproductions of classic objects of play. The company behind the Micro Arcade and Wacky Packages Minis product lines introduces this new treat for toy fans, games, and nostalgia.
The Series 1 release of Micro Toy Box includes 50 miniature toys. Six rare toys, two scarce toys, and one unidentified mystery object are included. Objects of play in Series 1 include Connect 4, Transformers, KerPlunk, Barbie, Monopoly, View-Master, Candy Land, Lite-Brite, Chatter Phone, UNO, Corn Popper, Tinker Toy, Ouija, Lincoln Logs, and others. The six items considered rare in the collection are the Rubik’s Cube, Crocodile Dentist, Duncan Imperial Yo-Yo, the Masters of the Universe Skeletor figure, Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots Red Rocker fighter, and the Hot Wheels Rip Rod car. The two items identified as scarce are the Nerf Retaliator and the Magic 8-Ball.
Each box comes in a mystery pack of 5, 10, 15, or 20 toys, plus one sticker and a checklist to help keep track of the collection. These are packaged in a plastic box that features a transparent top to showcase one of the toys inside and serves as a toy box for the collection. The toys range in size from ¾ to 1 ¼ inch and are recommended for ages eight and older.