In the Marvel Super Heroes: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book, characters leap off the page and into action through the creative work of Matthew Reinhart, an award-winning paper engineer.
The 12-page book presents colourful illustrations brought to life by Reinhart and collaborators, Stacy Lee Phillips, Paul Pelletier, and Aaron Lopresti. Featured characters include Iron Man, Spider-Man, Hulk, the X-Men, the Avengers, and the Fantastic Four, along. Other characters and landmark locations familiar to Marvel readers round out the content.
Reinhart’s previously released books include DC Super Heroes: The Ultimate Pop-up Book (2010), Star Wars: A Galactic Pop-Up Adventure (2012), Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-up Universe (2013), LEGO Pop-Up: A Journey to the Lego Universe (2016), and others.
Marvel Super Heroes: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book is available for pre-order now. The book is scheduled to hit the shelves on November 15, 2022.