
Dragon+ digital magazine covers the intricate world of the tabletop role-playing game, Dungeon & Dragons (D&D).

First released in 1974, D&D quickly gained popularity with fantasy game enthusiasts. It wasn’t long before controversy struck when vocal religious groups spoke out that the game encouraged players to engage in satanic rituals and black magic. The contention shone a spotlight on the game and resulted in legions of new fans – D&D continues to be a big seller for game publisher Wizards of the Coast (currently a subsidiary of Hasbro).

Dragon+ offers the D&D community a place to learn game strategy, see fellow players’ custom miniatures and creative projects, and read original D&D fan fiction. It’s a FANtastic resource for new and experienced players alike.

Editor’s Note: After the April 2022 issues was published, Wizards of the Coast folder Dragon+. In total, 41 issues were produced.