American Girls Podcast

American Girls Podcast examines the original American Girl book series and the impact of its stories and characters on pop culture.

The hosts are historians Allison Horrocks and Mary Mahoney, who combine three obsessions to produce the podcast: history, American Girl books, and pop culture. The podcast takes its flow from the chronological order in which the books are set, opening with Felicity and tales of her life in colonial Virginia in the 1770s. As Horrocks and Mahoney introduce different American Girl characters, they weave together a picture of life and the experiences of young girls in times when the rights of women were limited. Those who only know American Girl only as a line of expensive dolls and accessories may be surprised to learn about the rich history of the franchise.

Gateway episodes include Meet Felicity, Meet Us, A Surprise Party in the (Not Yet) U.S.A., and Winter of their Discontent: (Nothing) Changes for Josefina.

Editor’s Note: After the release of their book, Dolls of our Lives, Allison Horrocks and Mary Mahoney renamed their podcast to match.