About Toy Tales
Behind every toy and game there’s a story
Toy Tales is North America’s premier independent toy journalism website with a nostalgic focus. Every day, our writers cover the toys, games, and objects that captured our attention as children and continue to fascinate us today. We chronicle the stories behind weird, wonderful, and entertaining toys and games, the people who brought them to life, and the modern-day individuals and toy companies that uphold their legacies.
We are a collective of writers and contributors led by Todd Coopee, toy historian and award-winning author of Light Bulb Baking: A History of the Easy-Bake Oven, founder of National Easy-Bake Oven Day, creator of the Toy Store Finder directory of neighbourhood toy stores, and guest curator of the Bringing Imaginative Ideas to Life: The Early Years of Cincinnati’s Kenner Products exhibition shown at The Strong in 2022.
Pitch To Us
If you have a nostalgic toy brand or re-imagined classic brand to promote, pitch to us.
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If you are a writer or curator with a special interest in nostalgic toys and games, there may be an opportunity to write for us.
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